Wednesday, February 18, 2009

he's alright

happy 18th birthday zack!

it's hard to believe we've had this guy around for 18 years! and we still can't get enough of him. we've laughed at his childhood antics/ mishaps like the time we caught him skinny-dipping in the pond with emma, or the time he gave himself a pretty good shock trying to disassemble a blow dryer. (yea, gotta unplug it first.) we've seen him through his first day of kindergarten all the way through early graduation this january. (and acceptance to byu. yeah!) we loved the enthusiasm of our 8-year-old cub scout (he offered to sew on his own patches when mom just wasn't doing it fast enough) and now bask in the relief that his journey to eagle is finally over! and we've definitely enjoyed watching him play a little basketball, a little t-ball, a little flag football, and a WHOLE LOT OF SOCCER.

we couldn't ask for a better first-born. zack's been very patient with his first-time parents because we've certainly made our share of mistakes. he is truly a peacemaker in our home. don't get me wrong. he's not perfect. we've had to shake our heads during the 14 - 15-year-old bad hair years (very long & very bushy); at his very strong aversion to stake dances; and his not-so-discreet attempts to text during dinner, family night, and even sacrament meeting (YIKES). but all in all . . .

we think he's alright


Swen said...

Happy Birthday, Zach! And congrats on your acceptance to BYU-definitely not an easy task.

Cute post, Kathryn! I can't believe you have an 18 year old!

Swen said...

Actually, Becca

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday and congrats Zach. I can't believe that we are all growing up so fast ;) I love your posts. You family is so cute and wonderful. We love and miss you guys!

jakenapril said...

really? seriously? wow, i am old then because i used to babysit this boy when he was a busy little 3 year old. congrats on getting into byu. goooo cougars! true blue through and through!

Joanie said...

Cute post, cute boy :)